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Math logical intelligence video

Download Gardner’s Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Video

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, as categorized by Professor Howard Gardner in his theory of multiple intelligences.

Many of us might better recognize this intelligence as IQ.

What are the distinctive characteristics of people with logical-mathematical intelligence?

Primarily, these individuals are logical, and this logic prevails over their emotions. They solve everyday life problems using scientific, analytical, and logical methods. They are highly analytical and always look for the cause and root of any issue they encounter.

According to the science of logic, these individuals have linear reasoning. Therefore, order and organization are particularly sacred to those with logical-mathematical intelligence, and they cannot tolerate disorder.

These individuals are extremely disciplined and have specific frameworks for themselves.

People with logical-mathematical intelligence complete tasks with high discipline and order.

Another prominent ability of these individuals is their skill in working with numbers and figures, patterns, statistics, and numerical analysis, in which they show an exceptionally acceptable performance.

These individuals have a greater ability to transfer information from their conscious to their subconscious mind compared to ordinary people. As a result, they can send more received information to the deeper layers of the mind or subconscious more quickly. This characteristic is effective in solving mathematical and physical problems, and generally in problem-solving abilities.

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