

Intelligence that we call visual-spatial intelligence in Farsi language. The characteristics of people whose dominant intelligence is visual-spatial intelligence include the following:

  1. In their five senses, they have a stronger sense of sight and can see images, shapes and objects better.
  2. These people can become skilled photographers, painters, and videographers because they see angles that set their vision apart from the average person.
  3. These people have a high power of visualization and imagination, which puts their imagination at a higher level than normal people. In other words, they can create a subject in the back of their mind first, then make it objectively, just like a fashion designer. Consider a first-rate car designer. This person first creates the subject and the design in his mind, then draws the design on paper and then starts building that car.
  4. People with this ability are not very meticulous and detailed, and because they pay attention to details, they easily remember images and faces.
  5. Have you paid attention to the people who describe a memory or a movie to you? Some of our friends explain about that movie or memory so carefully, minutely, meticulously and in detail that one feels that he is present at that moment. Because these people remember and reproduce images, shapes and videos well.
  6. If you want to teach the subject to people with high visual-spatial intelligence, it is better to talk to them in the language of images, so that they can learn the subject well. Just like English lessons with videos.
  7. They are mostly good map readers who find their way by looking at their surroundings.
  8. They solve puzzles well.
  9. These people have long experience in visual arts and can become skilled artists in these fields.

How powerful do you think your visual-spatial intelligence is?

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