Discover personal code

Intelligence and talent is an internal capital of every person, if she identifies them and invests in them, these capitals will become a treasure within the person.

3 secrets of career success + 3 ideal job principles + personal code of humans

Who is this course suitable for?

This course is suitable for adults who want to find their dream job
People who are looking to find a job that matches their talent, inner intelligence.
People who like to choose a job that suits their interests to enjoy working.
People who value their life and time and want to walk in the path of their values and career mission.

What do you learn in this course?


Humans have 10 different types of intelligence and what gifts each intelligence has.


People have different talents and you get to know different types of talents.


Know your passions and take advantage of your love and passion to achieve career success.


People have 6 different personality types and what are the characteristics of each personality type and what job is suitable for each personality type.


What is a person's value list and how to discover our career mission.


By identifying your intelligence + talent + interest + personality + value, you complete the 5-piece puzzle of your existence and find out what your personal code is.


By doing the previous processes, you will be on the path of creating your own genius, and like the geniuses of any field, you are ready to leap and flourish.

Who is the course instructor?

Pardisa Yousefi

Career talent teacher

The author of the book puzzle 5 pieces of intelligence